Get The Ball Rolling

Store Hours

Mon-Fri: 11-5,              
Sat: 10 - 5
Sun: 11- 4

St. Valentine

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A decadent chocolate cupcake with a ribbon of raspberry running through it and topped with our signature Raspberry buttercream

Please note: When ordering flavours from our Special Order Cupcake Flavours, a minimum of 1/2 doz. per flavour is required (except for our "Mini" size where the minimum order is 1 dozen per flavour)

Any custom cupcake order (includes ordering of "Mini" & "Junior" size, or any additional hand crafted decoration / embellishment) requires at least 48 hours' notice

For more information on our delivery

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1305 Riverbend Rd, Suite 110. London Ontario 519-433-CAKE(2253)